1.0 Introduction to Instrumentation Tubing

1.0 Introduction
Impulse sensing lines are the lines containing process fluid which run between the sensing instruments and process tapping points, and are usually made of tubing/piping, valves and tube fittings.

1.1 Difference between a pipe and a tube
The fundamental difference between pipe and tube is the dimensional standard to which each is manufactured.

A tube is a hollow product of round or any other cross section having a continuous periphery. Round tube size may be specified with respect to any two, but not all three, of the following: Outside diameter, inside diameter, wall thickness; type K, L and M copper tube (See section 6 for details) may also be specified by nominal size and type only. Dimensions and permissible variations (tolerances) are specified in the appropriate ASTM or ASME standard specifications.

Generally tubing is specified by giving O.D. and wall thickness whereas pipes are specified by giving nominal diameter & wall thickness (NB and Schedule). A pipe is a tube with a round cross section conforming to the dimensional requirements for nominal pipe size as tabulated in ANSI B36.10, Table 2 and 4, and ANSI B36.19, Table 1. For special pipe having a diameter not listed in these tables, and also for round tube, the nominal diameter corresponds with the outside diameter.

Pipe versus Tubes

Figure 1-1

Standard fluid line systems, whether for simple household use or for the more exacting requirements of industry, were for many years constructed from threaded pipe of assorted materials and were assembled with various standard pipe fitting shapes, unions and nipples. Such systems under high pressures were plagued with leakage problems besides being cumbersome, inefficient and costly to assemble and maintain. Therefore, the use of pipe in these systems has largely been replaced by tubing because of the many advantages it offers.

Old Method – Each connection is threaded ‐ requires numerous fittings – system not flexible or easy to install and service connections not smooth inside ‐ pockets obstruct flow.

Modern Method ‐ Bendable tubing needs fewer fittings ‐ no threading required ‐ system light and compact ‐ easy to install and service ‐ no internal pockets or obstructions to free flow.

1.2 Major Advantages of Tubing over Piping Systems

1. Bending Quality ‐ Tubing has strong but relatively thinner walls; is easy to bend. Tube fabrication is simple.
2. Greater Strength ‐ Tubing is stronger as no threads are required for connection. No weakened sections from reduction of wall thickness by threading.

Figure 1-2: With no threading necessary, tubing does not require extra wall thickness

3. Less Turbulence ‐ Smooth bends result in streamlined flow passage and less pressure drop.
4. Economy of Space and Weight ‐ With its better bending qualities and a smaller outside diameter, tubing saves space and permits working in close quarters. Tube fittings are smaller and also weigh less.
5. Flexibility ‐ Tubing is less rigid, has less tendency to transmit vibration from one connection to another.
6. Fewer Fittings ‐ Tubing bends substitute for elbows. Fewer fittings mean fewer joints, fewer leak paths.
7. Tighter Joints ‐ Quality tube fittings, correctly assembled, give better assurance of leak‐free systems.
8. Better Appearance ‐ Tubing permits smoother contours with fewer fittings for a professional look to tubing systems.
9. Cleaner Fabrication ‐ No sealing compounds on tube connections. Again no threading; minimum chance of scale, metal chips, foreign particles in system.
10. Easier Assembly and Dis assembly ‐ Every tube connection serves as a union. Tube connections can be reassembled repeatedly with easy wrench action.
11. Less Maintenance ‐ Advantages of tubing and tube fittings add up to dependable, trouble‐free installations.

1.3 Types of tubes
Tubes can be categorized in different ways.

1. Categorization based on tube dimensional specifications: Tubes can be classified as
    a. Metric tubes, where dimensions are specified in mm units e.g. 10mm, 20 mm etc.
    b. Fractional tubes, where dimensions are specified in inch units e.g. ½”, ¾”, 1” etc.

2. Categorization based on material of tubes e.g. carbon steel tubes, PVC Tubes, Copper tubes, SS tubes, Inconel tubes, etc.

3. Categorization based on method of tube drawing i.e. welded and drawn, seamless etc.

1.4 Guidelines for selection of instrumentation tubes
Proper Tubing Selection

1. Always Match Materials – S.S. Tubing should be used only with S.S. Fittings. The only exception to this rule is copper tubing with brass fittings. Mixing materials can cause galvanic corrosion.

Galvanic Corrosion (Electrochemical)
All metals have a specific relative electrical potential. When dissimilar metals come in contact in the presence of moisture (electrolyte), a low intensity electric current flows from the metal having the higher potential to the metal having the lower potential. The result of this galvanic action is the corrosion of the metal with the higher potential (more anodic). (See Galvanic Series Chart)

Figure1-3: Galvanic Series chart

2. Select proper tubing hardness – Remember instrumentation tube Fittings are designed to work within specific hardness ranges. RB 90 maximum for S.S., RB 80 recommended. For proper swaging the hardness of the tube should be less than the hardness of the fitting.

3. Select proper tubing wall thickness – Proper wall thickness is necessary to accommodate accepted safety factors relative to desired working pressures.

4. Tubing surface finish – Always select tubing free of visible draw marks or surface scratches. If possible, cut off any undesirable sections. These “deep” scratches can cause leaks when attempting to seal low‐density gases such as argon, nitrogen, or helium. Proper surface finish ensures leak‐proof compression joint with fitting.

1.5 Different sizes of tubes
Following tube sizes have been used in NPCIL NPPs
  • SS Tubes (metric): 6 mm, 10mm, 12mm, 20mm and 25mm.
  • SS tube (Fractional): ¼”, 3/8”, ½”, ¾” and 1”.
  • Copper tubes (metric): 6mm, 10mm, 12mm, 20mm and 25mm.
  • Copper tubes (Fractional): ¼”, 3/8”, ½”, ¾” and 1”.

1.6 Criteria for selecting the size of a tube
The selection criteria for sizing the tube are as follows:

• The O.D. of the tubes/impulse tubes should be the same and not smaller than 6 mm even with clean liquids and non corrosive piping, owing to the chance of blockage after long service.

• If condensation is likely to occur or if gas bubbles are likely to be liberated, the O.D. should not be smaller than 10 mm.

• When long runs cannot be avoided, the internal diameter of impulse tubing/piping may be selected as per the following table‐1‐1:

TABLE – 1-1

As very long runs of impulse tubing/piping are not expected in our systems and also process fluid is expected to be clean, 10 mm OD tubing having I.D. of 7.6 mm has been found to be adequate, for pressure/ ΔP measurement except for some cases for level measurement in tanks/vessels using ΔP principle.
• Based on hold up, installation and material cost, radiation streaming considerations, higher size (>10 mm OD) tubing is not recommended for pressure/ΔP measurement in primary/nuclear system in general.

1.7 Selection and Design criteria
Following requirements should be met for impulse tubing for sensing the pressure/differential pressure signal for all types of process systems including for safety and safety related systems.

The most important consideration in the selection of suitable tubing for any application is the compatibility of the tubing material with the media to be contained. Table 1‐2 lists common materials and their associated general application. Table 1‐2 also lists the maximum and minimum operating temperature for the various tubing materials. Properly designed tubing/piping based on service conditions, should only be used for sensing lines.

The practice of mixing materials should be strongly discouraged. The only exception is brass fittings with copper tubing. Dissimilar materials in contact may be susceptible to galvanic corrosion. Further, different materials have different levels of hardness, and can adversely affect the fittings ability to seal on the tubing.

The use of a particular type of tube for a specific usage depends on the application and the process condition. The following table briefly describes the application guidelines for a specific tube material.


1. For operating temperatures above 800 °F (425 °C), consideration should be given to media. 300 Series Stainless Steels are susceptible to carbide precipitation which may lead to intergranular corrosion at elevated temperatures.

2. All temperature ratings based on temperatures as per ASME/ANSI B313 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code, 1999 Edition.

Gas Service
Special care must be taken when selecting tubing for gas service. In order to achieve a gastight seal, ferrules in instrument fittings must seal any surface imperfections. This is accomplished by the ferrules penetrating the surface of the tubing. Penetration can only be achieved if the tubing provides radial resistance and if the tubing material is softer than the ferrules.

Thick walled tubing helps to provide resistance. Tables‐1‐3 to 1‐10 below indicate the minimum acceptable wall thickness for various materials in gas service. The ratings in white indicate combinations of diameter and wall thickness which are suitable for gas service. Acceptable tubing hardness for general application is listed in Table 1‐12.

These values are the maximum allowed by the ASTM. For gas service, better results can be obtained by using tubing well below this maximum hardness. For example, a desirable hardness of 80 RB is suitable for stainless steel. The maximum allowed by ASTM is 90 RB.

System Pressure
The system operating pressure is another important factor in determining the type, and more importantly, the size of tubing to be used. In general, high pressure installations require strong materials such as steel or stainless steel. Heavy walled softer tubing such as copper may be used if chemical compatibility exists with the media. However, the higher strength of steel or stainless steel permits the use of thinner tubes without reducing the ultimate rating of the system. In any event, tube fitting assemblies should never be pressurized beyond the recommended working pressure.

The following tables (1‐3 to 1‐10) list by material the maximum suggested working pressure (in psi) of various tubing sizes. Acceptable tubing diameters and wall thicknesses are those for which a rating is listed. Combinations which do not have a pressure rating are not recommended for use with instrument fittings.

Table 1-3: Fractional 316 or 304 STAINLESS STEEL (Seamless)

Table 1-4: Fractional 316 or 304 STAINLESS STEEL (Welded & Drawn)

Table 1-5: Seamless Stainless Steel metric tubing

Table 1-6: Fractional Carbon Steel (Seamless)

Table 1-7: Carbon Steel Metric tubing

Table 1-8: Aluminium (Seamless)

Table1-9: Copper (Seamless)

Table 1-10: MONEL 400 (Seamless)


• All working pressures have been calculated using the maximum allowable stress levels in accordance with ASME/ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping or ASME/ANSI B31.1 Power Piping.

• All calculations are based on maximum outside diameter and minimum wall thickness.

• All working pressures are at ambient (72°F) temperature.

• Ratings in gray are not suitable for gas services.

Systems Temperature
Operating temperature is another factor in determining the proper tubing material. Copper and aluminum tubing are suitable for low temperature media. Stainless steel and carbon steel tubing are suitable for higher temperature media. Special alloys such as Alloy 600 are recommended for extremely high temperature (see Table 1‐2). Table 1‐11 lists de‐rating factors which should be applied to the working pressures listed in Table 1‐3 to 1‐10 for elevated temperature (see Table 1‐2). Simply locate the correct factor in Table 1‐11 and multiply this by the appropriate value in Tables 1‐3 to 1‐10 for the elevated temperature working pressure.

EXAMPLE: 1/2 inch x .049 wall seamless stainless steel tubing has a working pressure of 3700 psi @ room temperature. If the system were to operate @ 800°F (425°C), a factor of 80% (or .80) would apply (see Table 111 above) and the “at temperature” system pressure would be 3700 psi x .80 = 2960 psi

2.0 Design of Tubing and Tubing Systems


In ASME Section III‐Division‐I sub‐section NB (Class I components), the design criterion/design requirements for instrument tubing has not been covered separately. Thus design guidelines given for small size of piping is being followed for Class I instrument tubing also. Also as the outside diameter of instrument tubing is being limited to 1” (25 mm); so any design concession permitted for lower size piping (<1”) will also be applicable to instrument tubing.

As per NB 3630 (Piping design and analysis criteria) the piping of 1” NB or less, which have been classified as class I in design specification, may be designed and analyzed as per subsection NC.

Thus for instrument tubing, the material & testing requirements shall be as per subsection NB whereas the design and analysis will be as per subsection NC.


a. Pressure retaining material should confirm to the requirements of one of the specifications for material given in NB‐2121.

b. Impact testing for austenitic stainless steel is not required. Also impact testing is not required for a pipe/tube with a nominal pipe size less than 6”, irrespective of wall thickness.

c. Seamless pipes, tubes and fittings need not be examined by the rule of NB‐2510(examination of  pressure retaining material).

d. Wrought seamless and welded (without filler metal) pipes and tubes shall be examined and may be repaired in accordance with the requirements of class‐I seamless and welded (without filler metal) piping and tubing of SA‐655 (specification for special requirements for pipe and tubing for nuclear and other applications).


For design/calculating minimum wall thickness of instrument tubing/piping, the maximum allowable stress for the material at design temperature shall be used as given in ANSI/ASME B36.19.

The pressure ratings at the corresponding temperature given in ANSI/ASME B36.19 shall not be exceeded and piping/tubing product shall not be used at temperature in excess of those given in ANSI/ASME B36.19 for all the materials of which the tubing is made.

Increased wall thickness of tubing shall be taken for providing allowances for corrosion or erosion, mechanical strength & bending etc.

Impact forces caused by either external or internal loads shall be considered in the piping/tubing design. Also the effect of earthquake and non‐seismic vibration shall be considered in the tubing design.

a) Minimum Wall Thickness of straight tube/pipe:
The minimum wall thickness of straight tube/pipe shall not be less than that determined by eq. (I) as follows:

tm = minimum required wall thickness, mm
P = Internal design pressure, kPag
DO = Outside diameter of tube/pipe, mm
S = Maximum allowable stress in the material due to internal pressure and joint efficiency at design temperature, kPa
A = Additional thickness, to provide for material removed in threading, corrosion and erosion allowances and allowance for structural strength needed during erection.

Y = a coefficient having a value of 0.4. For pipe/tube with a  ratio less than 6, the
value of ‘Y’ for ferritic and austenitic steels designed for temperature of 480 oC and below should be taken as per eq. (2) below

d = Inside diameter of tube/pipe.

b) Wherever bending of tubing/piping is likely to be involved in installations, the minimum wall thickness after bending shall not be less than the minimum wall thickness calculated as per eq. (1) for straight tube/pipe. To meet this requirement, actual wall thickness of tubing/piping is to be increased as per following Table –2‐1 (This is based on NC 3000):

c) Also, unless otherwise justified by the design calculation the ovality of tubing/piping after bending should not exceed 8% as determined by following eq. (3).

Do = Nominal outside diameter of tube/pipe
Dmax = the maximum outside diameter after bending or forming
Dmin = the minimum outside diameter after bending or forming

Analysis requirements for tubing/piping systems as per NC‐3650 are given below. “The design of complete piping system shall be analyzed between anchors for the effects of thermal expansion, weight and other sustained and oCcasional loads.” The detail requirements/analysis criteria are given in following sub‐sections.


The effects of pressure, weight and other sustained mechanical loads must meet the requirements of following eq. (4).

Ssl = Stress due to sustained loads, kPa
P = Internal design pressure, mm
Do = Outside diameter of tube/pipe, mm
B1, B2 = Primary stress indices for the pipe/tube (As per Figure below) NC 3673.2 (b)1
MA = Resultant moment loading on cross section due to weight and other sustained loads, kN‐m. NC 3653.3
Z = Sectional modulus of pipe/tube, mm3
Sh = Basic material allowable stress at design temperature consistent with loading under consideration.
tn = Nominal wall thickness, mm

The effect of pressure, weight, other sustained loads and oCcasional loads including earthquake, for which level B service limits are designated, must meat the requirements of following eq. (5).

But not greater than 1.5 Sy

Mb = resultant moment loading on cross section due to non reversing dynamic loads e.g. oCcasional loads such as thrust from relief and safety valves loads from pressure and flow transients and earthquake.
Sy = material yield strength at temperature consistent with the loading under consideration, kPa.
Sol = stress due to oCcasional loads, kPa.
Pmax = Peak pressure, kPa

The effects of pressure, weight, other sustained loads and thermal expansion for which level A and B service limits are designated, shall meet the requirements of following eq. (6).

0.75 i shall not be less than 1.0

Ste = Sustained plus thermal expansion stresses.
MC = range of resultant moments due to thermal expansion
SA = Allowable stress range for expansion stresses.
i = Stress intensification factor (refer NC‐3673.2)

= ratio of bending moment producing fatigue in a given number of cycles in a straight pipe/tube with girth butt weld to that producing failure in the same number of cycles in the fitting or joint under consideration.

Other terms are same as of eq. (4)

Allowable stress range for expansion stresses (SA) can be calculated using following equation
SA =  ƒ(1.25 SC + 0.25 Sh) ……. (7)
SC = Basic material allowable stress at minimum (cold) temperature.
Sh = Basic material allowable stress at maximum (hot) temperature.
f = stress range reduction factor for cyclic conditions for total number N of full
temperature cycles over total number of years during which system is
expected to be in service from table‐2‐1A below NC 3611.2 (e)‐1

Stress intensification factor ‘i’ can be calculated using following equation (8)

C2 and K2 are stress indices for class‐1 piping products or joints from NB 3681 (a)‐1. For straight pipe/tube the value of C2 and k2 are 1.
For curved pipe/tube or welded elbows ‘I’ can be computed as per equation (9) below (refer NB 3681)


tn = nominal wall thickness of tube/pipe
R = bend radius
r = mean radius of tube/pipe

In section II in calculating the resultant moment MB, moment due to SEE conditions is proposed to be used which is more conservative, thus separate analysis for level C service limits is not required.

Requirements of material testing as per subsection NB is briefly mentioned above. In addition to examination/testing requirements as per SA‐655, tubing should be hydrostatically tested at not less than 1.25 times the design pressure with minimum holding time of 10 min.

The maximum design pressure and temperature are taken as 195 kg/cm2 and 310oC respectively. Though the above pressure and temperature may not exist simultaneously in any system, still to be on conservative side, all the sizes of tubing will be designed for above ratings.

Using eq. (1) in the analysis criteria above, the minimum wall thickness of straight tubing can be calculated.

Thus following equation can be used

We can make following assumptions
• There will be no threading on the tubes
• Corrosion, erosion is negligible (hence allowance for corrosion and erosion may be neglected)
• Bend radius is not less than 3Do. The actual wall thickness is to be increased as per Table‐2‐1 above.

Following data may be used
P = design pressure (= 195 kg/cm2)
S = maximum allowable stress of S.S. 304L material at 310oC temp. (= 986 kg/cm2)
Y = 0.4

By putting the above variables, the minimum wall thickness for different sizes (Do) of straight tubing is tabulated in following Table‐2‐2.

Note: It can be seen from Tables – 22 & 23 that specified wall thickness of all sizes of tubing as per PBM17 is more than required wall thickness as per ASME Section III except for 16 mm size. As maximum pressure and temperature may not be simultaneous so 1.8 mm wall thickness instead for 1.83 mm of 16 mm size will be adequate from pressure rating considerations.

“For example, the maximum pressure & temperature in PHT system will be 125 kg/cm2 and 310oC respectively. For this application, the required minimum wall thickness for 16mm OD tube, including the bending allowance, should be 1.3 mm, which is less than specified wall thickness of 1.8 mm. Similarly, in some applications like F/M supply circuit, the maximum pressure and temperature may be 195 kg/cm2 and 40oC respectively. For this service also, the minimum required wall thickness including the bending allowance for 16mm OD tube should be 1.62mm which is less than specified wall thickness of 1.8 mm”.


When the tubing is installed in the field, the effects of pressure, weights and other sustained mechanical loads must meet the requirements of eq. (4) i.e.

The above equation may be verified for different sizes of tubing having wall thickness as given in Table‐2‐2 and other constants to be calculated/taken as below:

B1 = 0.5 (as per NB – 3680)


tn = nominal wall thickness of tube

R = Bend radius
r = (Do – t)/2 = mean radius of tubing

Thus for different sizes of tubing systems Ssl value is tabulated in Table‐2‐4 ANALYSIS FOR OCCASIONAL LOADS (LEVEL A&B SERVICE LIMITS)
As per requirement of ASME – Section III installed tubing system should satisfy the equation (5) of Section 4.2.1 as given below:

Based on the seismic analysis carried out for different tubing layouts, the recommended conservative value of Mb is 200 kg mm for all sizes of tubing systems for SSE level of earthquake. Thus for different sizes of tubing systems Sol value is tabulated in Table‐2‐4. This can be seen that Sol is less than 1.8 Sh for all the sizes of tubing thus satisfying the above equation. ANALYSIS FOR STRESS DUE TO THERMAL EXPANSION AND OTHER SUSTAINED LOADS

As per requirement of ASME Section III installed tubing system should satisfy the following equation

The maximum value of stress (iMc/Z) due to thermal loading (temperature variation from 25oC to 310oC) for different tubing systems comes out to be 1600 kg/cm2 provided that tubing system is supported as per recommended practices. Based on the above data and other parameters/constants, Ste has been calculated & tabulated in TABLE‐2‐3 for different sizes of tubing.

This may be seen from the table that Ste value for different sizes of tubing is less than the value of Sh + SA (viz. 2615 kg/cm2).

1. The values of MA, Z, P, Sh used for calculation of STE are same as given in Table24.
2. The value of 􀝅 used is based on requirement such that 0.75 􀝅 should not be less than 1.0
3. SA = f (1.25 Sc + 0.25 Sh) where f = 1 & Sc = 1106 (kg/cm2)

2.7 Consideration for various forces
The design of tubing/piping systems for sensing lines should take account of all the forces and moments resulting from thermal expansion and contraction and from the effects of expansion joints if any.

2.8 Tube Bending Considerations
Bend radius in instrument tubing/piping should be subject to following limitations;

i) Minimum wall thickness at any point in the completed bends should not be less than required minimum wall thickness for the design pressure.
ii) The ovality of instrument tubing/piping after bending should not exceed

8% as calculated below:

 Where –
Do = Nominal O.D. of tube/pipe
Dmin = The min. outside diameter of tube/pipe after bending
Dmax = The max. outside diameter after bending
The above requirements are met if bend radius is more than 3Do.
2.9 Special design aspects to meet the requirements of class-I tubing and tubing systems

In addition to the general requirements of impulse connections as mentioned above, the following requirements should also be met for impulse connections for pressure/differential pressure measurement in safety and safety related systems. For safety and safety-related systems the safety classification of instrument sensing lines including the first accessible isolating valves should at least remain the same as that of process systems, and from the valves up to instruments they should meet at least the requirements of ANSI-B-31.1.

SS tubes should meet the design intent of ASME Section III sub-section NB/NC.

For seismic classification the instrument sensing lines should be of SSE Category for safety and safety-related instrumentation systems.

A single instrument sensing line should not be used to perform both a safety-related function and a non safety-related function unless the following can be shown:

a. The failure of the common sensing line would not simultaneously

1. cause an action in a non-safety-related system that results in a plant condition requiring protective action and
2. also prevent proper action of a protection system channel designed to protect against the condition.
Tubing system should be such that the failure of non safety impulse line/tubing should not affect the reading of safety system.


    a. Based on the requirements of corrosion resistance, tensile strength, hardness and weldability, austenitic stainless steel grade SS-304L material as per ASTM A-213/SA655 has been selected and specified for instrument tubing. Also the instrument SS tubing should be seamless, cold finished and
full annealed. From welding consideration the tubing should have delta ferrite of 5 to 10%.
    b. Based on the requirements of different applications the tubing in different sizes have been specified i.e. OD of 6mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm.

All finished tubing should be inspected by ultrasonic or eddy current methods or any combination of these methods in accordance with the requirements of NB-2550.

3) Based on the analysis of tubing systems carried out above for our installations the stress values for different loading (service limits) are well within the required limits.

4) Thus, if SS 304L instrument tubing are supplied as per specification above and installation of tubing systems is done as per recommended practices(see section-10) then instrument impulse tubing systems will be meeting the intent of ASME Section III-Sub-Section NB-Class I components.

3.0 Technical Requirements of SS tubes

Following design requirements should be specified while ordering SS tubes.



3. SIZE & THICKNESS : As per the Table below

4. FLUID : Water/Steam/Lube oil

5. MAX. PRESSURE: 200 kg/cm2(g)





a. TENSILE STRENGTH : ≥ 4920 kg/cm2(g)
b. YIELD POINT : ≥1760 kg/cm2(g)

a. HARDNESS TEST : On one test piece of each size and each batch as per relevant ASTM standard
b. EXPANSION TEST : On one sample piece of each size and each batch as per relevant ASTM standard
c. TENSILE TEST : On one sample piece of each size and each batch as per relevant ASTM standard
d. FLATTENING AND DOUBLING OVER TEST : On one sample piece of each size and each batch as per relevant ASTM standard
e. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS : One sample of each batch as per relevant ASTM standard

a. DIMENSIONAL TEST : Required to be done on 10 % of the lot
b. HYDROSTATIC TEST : At pressure of 300 kg/cm2(g) for 10 min. required to be done on each sizes of each batch

13. LENGTH OF EACH TUBE: 6 meters Relevant standards for SS tubes

Following standards should be followed while specifying or testing SS tubes.

1. ASTM-A-213 - Seamless Ferritic & Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler , Super heater & Heat Exchanger Tubes
2. ASTM-A-450 - General requirement for carbon, Ferritic & Austenitic Alloy steel Tubes.
3. ASTM A 262 - Standard Practices for Detecting susceptibility to intergranular attack in stainless steel .
4. ASTM A 370 - Standard test method and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products.
5. ASME SEC. III NB 2550 - Examination & Repair Of seam less and welded (without filler metal) tubular products and fittings
6. PB-M-17 - Specifications for Seamless Austenitic SS tubes

4.0 Pneumatic Tubing

Copper tubes are primarily used for pneumatic connections. Earlier pneumatic instruments were more popular and used (controllers, transmitters, indicators etc.). Thus pneumatic tubing was used widely. However now-a-days most of the instruments that are used are electronic instruments, thus the use of pneumatic tubing is limited. Still, at present this is used to connect the pneumatic actuator and its accessories viz. positioners, I/P converters, solenoid valves etc. which are quite important from plant operation point of view. Pneumatic instruments are still prevalent in hazardous areas. Even though the
pneumatic instruments are passé, they still provide a very reliable alternative to electronic instruments.

4.1 Advantages of using copper tubes
Strong, corrosion resistant, copper tube is the leading choice for pneumatic piping. There are seven primary reasons for this:

1. Copper is economical. Easy handling, forming and joining permits savings in installation time, material and overall costs. Long-term performance and reliability mean fewer callbacks, and that makes copper the ideal costeffective tubing material.

2. Copper is lightweight. Copper tube does not require the heavy thickness of ferrous or threaded pipe of the same internal diameter. This means copper costs less to transport, handles more easily and, when installed, takes less space.

3. Copper is formable. Because copper tube can be bent and formed, it is frequently possible to eliminate elbows and joints. Smooth bends permit the tube to follow contours and corners of almost any angle. With soft temper tube, particularly when used for renovation or modernization projects, much less wall and ceiling space is needed.

4. Copper is easy to join. Copper tube can be joined with capillary fittings. These fittings save material and make smooth, neat, strong and leak-proof joints. No extra thickness or weight is necessary to compensate for material removed by threading.

5. Copper is safe. Copper tube will not burn or support combustion and decompose to toxic gases. Therefore, it will not carry fire through floors, walls and ceilings. Volatile organic compounds are not required for installation.

6. Copper is dependable. Copper tube is manufactured to well-defined composition standards and marked with permanent identification so you know exactly what it is and who made it.

7. Copper resists corrosion. Excellent resistance to corrosion and scaling assures long, trouble-free service, which means satisfied customers.

4.2 Different types of copper tubes
Table 4-1 below identifies the six standard types of copper tube and their most common applications2. The table also shows the ASTM Standard appropriate to the use of each type along with a listing of its commercially available lengths, sizes and tempers.

Types K, L, M, DWV and Medical Gas tube are designated by ASTM standard sizes, with the actual outside diameter always 1/8-inch larger than the standard size designation. Each type represents a series of sizes with different wall thicknesses. Type K tube has thicker walls than Type L tube, and Type L walls are thicker than Type M, for any given diameter. All inside diameters depend on tube size and wall

Copper tube for air-conditioning and refrigeration field service (ACR) is designated by actual outside diameter.

“Temper” describes the strength and hardness of the tube. In the piping trades, drawn temper tube is often referred to as “hard” tube and annealed as “soft” tube. Tube in the hard temper condition is usually joined by soldering or brazing, using capillary fittings or by welding. Tube in the soft temper can be joined by the same techniques and is also commonly joined by the use of flare-type and compression fittings.

It is also possible to expand the end of one tube so that it can be joined to another by soldering or brazing without a capillary fitting—a procedure that can be efficient and economical in many installations.

Tube in both the hard and soft tempers can also be joined by a variety of “mechanical” joints that can be assembled without the use of the heat source required for soldering and brazing.


1. There are many other copper and copper alloy tubes and pipes available for specialized applications.
2. Individual manufacturers may have commercially available lengths in addition to those shown in this table.
3. Tube made to other ASTM standards is also intended for plumbing applications, although ASTM B 88 is by far the most widely used. ASTM Standard Classification B 698 lists six plumbing tube standards including B 88.
4. Available as special order only.

4.3 Recommendations for selection of a type of copper tube
It is up to the designer to select the type of copper tube for use in a particular application. Strength, formability and other mechanical factors often determine the choice. Plumbing and mechanical codes govern what types may be used. When a choice can be made, it is helpful to know which type of copper tube has and can serve successfully and economically in the following applications:

a. Underground Water Service: Use Type M hard for straight lengths joined with fittings, and Type L soft where coils are more convenient.

b. Water Distribution Systems: Use Type M for above and below ground.

c. Chilled Water Main: Use Type M for all sizes.

d. Drainage and Vent System: Use Type DWV for above- and below-ground waste, soil and vent lines, roof and building drains and sewers.

e. Heating: For radiant panel and hydronic heating and for snow melting systems, use Type L soft temper where coils are formed in place or prefabricated, Type M where straight lengths are used. For water heating and low-pressure steam, use Type M for all sizes. For condensate return lines, Type L is successfully used.

f. Solar Heating: See ‘Heating’ section above. For information on solar installation and on solar collectors, write CDA.

g. Fuel Oil, L.P. and Natural Gas Services: Use Type L or Type ACR tube with flared joints in accessible locations and brazed joints made using AWS A5.8 BAg series brazing filler metals in concealed locations.

h. Nonflammable Medical Gas Systems: Use Medical Gas tube Types K or L, suitably cleaned for oxygen service per NFPA Standard No. 99, Health Care Facilities.

i. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems: Copper is the preferred material for use with most refrigerants. Use Types L, ACR or as specified.

j. Ground Source Heat Pump Systems: Use Types L or ACR where the ground coils are formed in place or prefabricated, or as specified.

k. Fire Sprinkler Systems: Use Type M hard. Where bending is required, Types K or L is recommended. Types K, L and M are all accepted by NFPA.

l. Low Temperature Applications – Use copper tube of Type determined by rated internal working pressures at room temperature as shown in Tables below. Copper tube retains excellent ductility at low temperatures to –452°F and yield strength and tensile strength increase as temperature is reduced to this point. This plus its excellent thermal conductivity makes an unusual combination of properties for heat exchangers, piping, and other components in cryogenic plants and other low temperature applications.

m. Compressed Air—Use copper tube of Types K, L or M determined by the rated internal working pressures as shown in tables 4-2 to 4-9 below. Brazed joints are recommended.

Table-4-2: Rated Internal Working Pressures for Copper Tube: TYPE DWV*

Table-4-3: Rated Internal Working Pressures for Copper Tube: TYPE K*

Table-4-4: Rated Internal Working Pressures for Copper Tube: TYPE L*

Table-4-5: Rated Internal Working Pressures for Copper Tube: TYPE M*

Table-4-6: Rated Internal Working Pressures for Copper Tube: TYPE ACR*

NOTE: * Based on ‘S’, the maximum allowable stress in tension (psi) for the indicated temperatures (°F).
** When brazing or welding is used to join drawn tube, the corresponding annealed rating must be used.
***Types M and DWV are not normally available in the annealed temper. Shaded values are provided for guidance when drawn temper tube is brazed or welded.

4.4 Technical Requirements of Copper tube
Following parameters are to be specified while preparing the specifications for copper tubes for pneumatic piping.

1. Type : Annealed Copper, Seamless copper tubes as per ASTM-B-68M.

2. Length: 15 m< L < 80 meters

3. Size (mm):

4. Fluid: Air /oil / water

5. Max. Pressure: 8.5 kg/cm2(g)

6. Max. Temperature: up to 100oC

7. Hardness: Rockwell F50

8. Ovality Variation : < 0.7% Of O.D.

9. Surface Finish : Better than 8.2 Microns For O.D & I.D

10. Mechanical Properties:
a. Tensile Strength: 2200 kg/Cm2 (g)
b. Yield Point: 650 kg/cm2 (g)
c. Elongation (%) in 50 mm Gauge Length: 40%

11. Tests

11.1 Type Tests
a. Hardness Test: On one test piece of each size and each batch as per ASTM-E-18
b. Expansion Test: On one sample piece of each size and each batch as per ASTM-B-153
c. Tensile Test: On one sample piece Of Each Size And Each Batch As Per ASTM-E-8M
d. Flattening And Doubling Over Test: On One sample piece Of Each Size and Each Batch As Per BS-2871 & ASTM-E-255
e. Chemical Analysis: one sample of each batch as per ASTM-E-53 & ASTMB-55M

11.2 Routine Tests
a. Dimensional Test: Required to be done on 10% of the lot
b. Hydrostatic Test: At pressure of 50 kg/cm2(g); for 10 min. Required to be done on each size each batch
c. Pneumatic Test: At a pressure 8.5 kg/cm2 (g); for 10 min. Required to be done on each size each batch.

4.5 Applicable international standards for copper tubes
Besides NPCIL specifications following international codes and standards may be referred while specifying copper tubes.

ASTM-B-68M: Standard specification for seamless copper tube, bright Annealed [metric]
ASTM-E-8M: Standard test Method for tension testing of metallic materials [metric]
ASTM-E-18: Standard test method for Rockwell hardness and Rockwell superficial hardness of metallic materials
ASTM-E-53: Method for chemical analysis of copper
ASTM-B-153: Standard test method for expansion [pin test] of copper and copper alloy pipe and tubing
ASTM-E-243: Standard practice for electro-magnetic [eddy current] examination of copper and copper alloy tubes.
ASTM-B-251M: Standard specification for general requirement for wrought seamless copper and alloy tubes [metric]
ASTM-E-255: Practice for sampling copper and copper alloy for determination of chemical composition.
BS-2871: Copper and copper alloys tubes